Girls Soccer Program

A girls soccer club is a necessity at the Parade Grounds. There is nothing like it in this area of Brooklyn. We want to bring a fun non-competitive program where the main concentration is players development. Everyone with and without experience is welcomed. We want all the girls in our Club to learn the passion and love for soccer.

  • Tuesday and Thursday 5:00pm, Parade Ground, Field 10.

    Sunday 9:30am, Washington Park in Park Slope.

  • Monday, Wednesday, & Friday at 5:00pm, Parade Ground, Field 10.

  • Tuesday and Thursday 5:00pm, Parade Ground, Field 10.

Ages 5-8

Parade Ground, Field 10 | Tuesday and Thursday 5:00pm

Ages 9-11

Parade Ground, Field 11 | Monday, Wednesday, & Friday 5:00pm

Ages 13-14

Parade Ground, Field 10 Tuesday, Thursday, & Friday 5:00pm


Prospect Park, Parade Ground
Brooklyn, NY (Fields 10 & 11)




Player Application.

Please allow 24 hours for player applications to be processed.

We Care for players development.